All of our testers are ISTQB certified
In 98% of cases, we carry out automated testing, which is superior to manual testing in terms of speed, accuracy, and the ability to repeat the test as changes are made to the software during development.
In our projects, we utilize the extensive knowledge and experience of our testers. We provide clients with settings and improvements to testing processes and rules. Improvements to the testing process can help lower costs, reduce the time needed to put the product on the market and improve its quality.
We offer our clients the best possible solutions. The tester can work directly on the project site, or we can create a complete team which will work on our premises in order to optimize costs and maximize the efficiency.
- On-site (in your company)
- Internal testing team
- Manual testing
- Automatic testing
- Integration testing
- Regression testing
The complex support in the field
of software testing includes
- Setting a testing strategy
- Creation and administration of testing requirements
- Test implementation
- Test analysis and evaluation
- Consultation and support